Sabre Nolan: (Hero) Sabre Nolan is a typical alpha male, hero. He is strong, brave and handsome. He has worked at the CIA for 10 years as an agent and is used to conflict and well trained having been on several missions. But this will prove to be his toughest yet and leaves the whole fate of humanity in his hands. Played by Christian Bale.
Raine Zahn: (Hero No 2) Raine is a relatively new agent. She has been at the CIA for two years and is every bit as brave, strong and attractive as Sabre. She is also quite feisty and witty and has learnt to fend or herslef since a young age having been abandoned by her mother. This makes her quite tough and streetwise. Played by Natalie Portman.
Vibius: (Helper) A member of California's main rebel camp, Vibius is a larger than life character who keeps his sense of humour throughout the film despite the dark times. The rebels look to him to keep their spirits up so he is an unconventional leader of sorts. He is also strong and brave and decides to leave the camp with Sabre and Raine as he seeks adventure. He provides comic relief. Played by Will Smith.
Flower Starfeather: (Donor/ Princess) Flower is a dishevelled traditional woman distressed at the state of the current world. Despite her young years she thinks like someone much older and is quite wise. She has travelled far from her home in Colarado after being chased by the government for an attack on a clone factory so is an outlaw. She decides to join Sabre and Raine as she believes as she has knowledge on crossing long distances undetected. Played by Ellen Paige.
Will Starfeather: (Donor) Will is Flower's adopted son, a mischevoious scheming child but who means well. He is as angry as his mother at the clone situation and also strong, tactical and cunning and so comes with them, to help them on their journey. He was also abandoned as a child so has a strong connection with Raine Played by Will Poulter.
Presidents Clone: (Main Villian) The presidents clone is the main villian of the film as he has all the information the president has in his head of secret codes ect. He also takes charge of the clone attack. He is not so much of a fighter as a co-ordinater, pressing all the buttons behind the Presidents desk. This makes his evil lair The White House which is quite interesting as The White House is usually a force for good. Played by Danny Glover.
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